The weekly NAVAL BATTLE begins with qualifying on a Monday. To qualify for that weeks battle the clan must earn a target criteria set by Wargaming. Each members contribution is displayed on the NAVAL BATTLE screen. This period runs from Monday 7am CET until  Friday 7am CET (Central European Time)

Qualifying is more or less a done deal so that part of it nobody needs to worry about what they achieve.

NAVAL BATTLE  engagement begins on Friday 7am CET and runs until Monday 7am CET. When the engagement period begins the NAVAL BATTLE screen will display a grid with all the different nations down the left side, along the top of the grid are the ship types, Battleship, Cruiser, Destroyer and Aircraft Carrier. In this grid you will see different values, these values are what you need to achieve during a battle. Battles can be fought in Random, Co-op and Ranked battle modes.

The Clan will be competing against another Clan in the Wargaming world, this could be a Clan on another server. We do not fight against them directly we just have to gain more stars then them at the end of the battle period.

For completing the qualifying stage the Clan gets 800 Oil       Every 10 Stars the Clan gets 50 Oil

For winning the battle the Clan gets 700 Oil       A Draw earns the Clan 400 Oil       A Defeat earns the Clan 300 Oil.

On the battle engagement page you will see 2 buttons that enable or disable the battle for you. When you enable the battle you can select a nation and ship of any tier of your choice, if you reach the value that is displayed in the grid for that nation and ship type you will earn a star for the Clan. The value of that nation and ship type will then increase to the next level. Each member has 10 attempts in total, a potential for 10 stars for each member taking part.

In order to maximize the number of stars we can earn Clan Battle Rules are that if your average XP is less than the Clan average XP you can enable the battle on Friday. This allows the less experienced players to get the easier stars. It also means that the more experienced players don't waste their attempts getting scores they can do with 1 eye closed while eating a burrito. This period runs until 11.59am CET, a message will be put in the clan game chat window to this effect.

  1. When you enable the battle select a nation and ship type then enter a game as normal. If you win the 1st level star you must keep using that nation and ship type of any tier until you have made at least 1 attempt at the second level star, if your ship is sunk you may have to wait until the end of that game to get it back or you can change ship tier but you must remain with that nation and ship type until the second level attempt is made.

  2. Once the second level attempt is made you can move to another nation or ship type of your choice to earn the first level Star even if you don't get the second level star. Rule 1 will again apply.

  3. If you don't earn the 1st level star you are free to choose another nation and/or another ship type. When choosing a ship type please make your choice is something that you can realistically achieve the first 2 level values.

  4. You must be on Teamspeak when you are engaging in any Naval Battle, this is so that you can call out what nation and ship type you are attempting. If 2 members go for the same star then it could be a wasted attempt for 1 of you, wasted attempts are not good for winning. Teamspeak AFK channel does not count as being on Teamspeak, you cant talk in AFK.

This rule was brought in to stop members using all 10 of their attempts on the first level stars leaving the second level stars for others to waste attempts on. The rule is also there to allow those that can only get online later a fair chance of contributing to the Clan resources and not feeling frustrated at not getting as many Stars as others that can play the game early.

If you are entering the NAVAL BATTLE late on a Friday the grid may be full of second level or higher values, if you are attempting a second level or higher star and do not get it you can move to another nation and or ship type if you choose to. It is only when you attempt a first level star that you must stay until the second level is attempted.

On Saturday 12 noon CET all the above battle restrictions will be lifted and you can go kill anything that takes your fancy.